Song Directory
About the Directory:
This directory references
over 3,000 songs that may be incorporated into school lessons and activities.
The songs are arranged alphabetically by title. There is an explanatory passage
following each entry identifying literary, historical, political, and/or social
reference(s) contained in the song. For each entry we identify the artist/group
who sings the work, in many cases this is not the person who wrote the song.
Many of the entries also include underlined and/or highlighted words and
phrases. These are links that will take you to sites with additional or
related information about the song topic(s) and/or the artist.
to search the Directory:
Once you have entered a
section of the Directory, click on the word "Edit" in the tool bar at
the top of the page and select "Find..." or "Find in page"
(ctrl + F) A window will appear on your screen. Type in the window the
name of a musician if you wish to find songs by a particular artist or group.
If you wish to search for songs by subject matter or theme then type in a topic
or issue such as "domestic violence", "environment",
"social responsibility", "French Revolution",
"divorce". This tool will only search for these words on the web page
that is open. If you wish to search another section of our Directory you must
first enter or "open" that page. For a quicker search, click here to view an index of all the songs in the
Click on the
letters below to enter each of the three sections of our Song Directory but
first you may want to read the passages above for helpful tips on searching our